Wednesday, 11 March 2020

What Is Root Canal Therapy & 5 Initial Signs Of The Infection

The root canal therapy is performed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, to protect other teeth from infection.  The expert in this field would remove the infected part and then seal it so that no other food particles or other infection-causing items do not enter the tooth. A cap is also put on the top so that it would be easy for people to chew.

In a few cases, if the tooth cannot be saved because of high deterioration, caused by infection, then one could go for dental implants Bentleigh East. The expert would take care that the lost teeth are replaced with the best implant, which not only looks like the original set but also work in a similar way as well.

A tooth nerve is important for sensory function, it provides the sensation of hot or cold. The presence or absence of a nerve will affect the day-to-day function of the tooth. When a tooth’s nerve tissue is damaged, it breaks down and bacteria begins to build, thus causing an infection or abscessed tooth.

Professionals check for a few signs to decide if the condition is an infection of the root canal. The common signs that the dentist looks for are:
  • Severe toothache on chewing or application of pressure
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Discolouration of tooth
  • Swelling and tenderness in the surrounding gums
  • Recurring pimple on gums

Sometimes the dentist will find one or a combination of signs. Few patients do not show any sign of the infection. The dentist would few tests like an x-ray to find the exact cause.

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